Thursday, July 19, 2007


Seven seems to be a popular number lately. Lots of couples paid extra to get married on July 7, 2007 because 7-7-7 is supposed to be lucky.

Today I got lucky because the lovely Jerry of Food and Photo tagged me for the Seven Random Things About Me meme. If it had not been random things, I'd feel unlucky, but, geeez, I should be able to to random. Thanks Jerry!

1. I don't like goat cheese. Here in California, especially in the Wine Country, goat cheese is served fairly often in lots of ways. If it's on the plate, I'll eat it, but I'd much rather have almost any other kind of cheese. I've tried many different brands and even fresh from Nan's goat (with some assist from Nan in making the milk into cheese), but it still leaves me cold. Guess I like cow's milk cheeses the best.

2. I don't knit or crochet. There is a story behind that. And a pun just made :) When my Dad drove my brother, sister, and myself to Alabama to visit my grandmother one summer, I had just learned how to crochet. We were driving a station wagon. At some point in the journey, I jumped into the far back part of the car and impaled my rear on one of the crochet needles. Ever since them I can't get excited about crochet or knitting needles as a way to pass the time enjoyably.

3. When I have a job I tend to be super neat and organized, but my office, pantry, linen closet, front hall closet, etc. look like a thief has just ransacked them looking for hidden jewelry.

4. My first cat was a marmelade colored cat, Muffin, but since then I've never had another cat that color. I do love marmelade on my English muffins, too.

5. I love making my own greeting cards. I use PageMaker, a graphics program, and Avery #3379 note cards. It allows me to make personalized cards with my own photographs or drawings. I also make calendars the same way for special people like my daughter.

6. My favorite music is Celtic, especially fiddle music. I know someone who is going to a Celtic fiddle camp in Scotland next month and I'm salivating hearing about what she will be doing and where she will be going in Scotland.

7. I love, love, love fall with crisp, cool days and golden sunshine and all the colors of the fall leaves, and enjoy spring and winter, but I hate summer. I don't like heat, and when I was growing up it was hot and humid and no air conditioning and we had to do chores all summer. I know I should get over it now that I am waaaaay past childhood, but summer is still my least favorite time of year, mellowed only partially by all of the zucchini in my garden right now.

That's pretty random, right?

So I'm tagging:

Peabody of Culinary Concoctions by Peabody because she loves autumn, too, plus she's an interesting person with great passions.

Kristen of Dish and Dine because she makes things very fascinating when she writes about them.

Lis of La Mia Cucina because she is such a funny writer and just plain fun.

Anna of Anna's Cool Finds because she has an international outlook and writes such great reviews.

Beth of West of Taos, who might not appreciate being tagged, but her writing is stellar.

Kellypea of Sass and Veracity because I enjoy her writing and opinions.


  1. Got your tag-- hmm. 7 things, randomly. Ok :-) Hope things are well with you and look forward to another get together.

  2. I too love Fall. That sounds really painful getting impaled by a crochet needle, ouch.

  3. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Thanks for the tag! I've actually done two versions of this recently... One 8 things and one 6 things. Here are the links :)I would do this one, but I honestly don't think I can come up with anything else interesting.

  4. Anna, yeah can do it! I'll e-mail you about getting together soon.

    Cheryl, another fall lover! Yes! I od stay away from crochet needles now.

    Kristen, It's OK not to...I should have checked before I asked. Silly me.

  5. Dear Elle,
    so nice to find out your blog! I also live in northern CA (Berkeley) - I love this area - you can't complain about hot summers here though :) Anyway, good to get to know you, keep in blog-touch!

  6. My fellow Summer hater, there are so few of us.

  7. I loved reading these things about you! How wonderful =)

    I'm with you regarding Autumn. As I just said on Cheryl's blog, Halloween is more of a religion for me as well. A lot of that has to do with the weather and general cozy wonderful feeling the fall colors bring. If it could be fall year round, I think I'd be the happiest person alive. =)


  8. Loved reading your answers. Thanks for feeding our curiosity!

  9. Thanks for letting us into your world to catch a glimpse of you :)

  10. I won't be able to pick up my crochet without thinking of you!

  11. Marta, I used to live in Berkeley and it is cooler there than here, but you are right...not much reason to complain of the heat most of the time. Your blog is fun!

    Peabody, What do they know anyway? Heehee.

    Lis, autumn is such a great time and I, too, love Halloween. The bay area of California is close to year 'round autumn, although we are far enough north of the SF bay that we get more seasonal heat and cold. Bet YOU get super fall color, too.

    Helen, you are welcome. Great pun!

    Cynthia, you are welcome, too. Didn't know I was so mysterious :)

  12. Hate summer, too. We're moving to Scotland about it. :) We'll miss your fiddle-camp friend, though, but maybe next year I'll have managed it (I'm a classically trained violinist, so fiddling doesn't really work for me ... but I'm going to try).

  13. Liked your answers. I love autumn too.
