Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tea at Last

Last weekend our daughter came home for a visit. One of my favorite times is having tea with her. Luckily the weather was lovely, so we had tea outside on the porch. That's her hand holding the cup.

This time was super special because, at last, I was able to share tea with her using the works of art she created, otherwise known as hand painted teapot and saucers and teacups.

It was such a treat to sit out in the sun and sipping tea from one of the cups she painted and watching her do the same. Delightful to pour tea into those cups and admire the colors she used on the flowers and how well they contrasted with the black of the handle and around the rim of the lid. When the last drop had been sipped from the cups, a cheerful painted three dimensional flower beams up from the bottom of the cup.

In our lives, if we are lucky, we receive many gifts. This one is of great importance because it is beautiful, made by someone dear to my heart, and it expresses such love. To share it with her is to complete the circle of love. I'm feeling blessed and very grateful for having such a daughter and friend and the time to be with her.


  1. Ah, how sweet, sharing tea on the set she made for you. To this day my mom still serves maple syprup out of the ceramic I made for her. Yours are lovely...mine was made when I was 10 years old...not quite as nice :)

  2. Oh this is so sweet! As a daughter who lives far away from home, I too treasure all the moments with my parents and sister... :)

  3. Such a joy to share something with your daughter! She is so talented - the cups are lovely! Enjoy your holiday too....

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Wonderful, sweet post :)

  5. Peabody, I'll bet that pitcher is charming, too. Moms are whacko that way about the stuff the kids make.

    Anh, Hope you get to go home for a visit soon, too.

    Dharm, Thank you! She is a lovely and talented woman...I'm lucky.
