Wednesday, December 12, 2007

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

Some people are generous by nature...some are not. It's all O.K.

But this is the season when generosity is in fashion, when we try to figure out just what others might like for their holiday gift(s), what their hearts delight might be. Sometimes inspirations just strikes, at other times it is a long journey to the right gift. Even those who are not usually generous make efforts beyond their usual comfort zone to please those they care about.

This is also the time of year that we try to be generous to unknown people who could use a little kindness. For years we gave gifts through the Giving Tree requests at Sweetie's work, usually picking hearts of older children since they seem to be the ones that get picked later...guess they are a little harder to shop for :)

This year we gave toys to the local fire department toy drive. There will be a few charities that will receive a modest check, too. This year I'm employed, so I can. Who knows about next year?

This year I'm also participating in the Pay It Forward Exchange. I made a promise to Tanna of My Kitchen In Half Cups that I would play along. I'll get something tangible, but if you read this and agree to participate, I'm also spreading that sense of giving out 'forward' and you will be too.

I'm going to use her excellent wording:

"Here’s the deal:
I will send a handmade gift to the first three people who leave a comment on this post requesting to join this Pay It Forward Exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, which is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is Pay It Forward by making the same promise on your blog.

So, if you have a blog and you like the idea of giving away stuff you’ve made to folks who read your blog, then leave me a comment and I’ll start dreaming up what to make you. Just make sure you send me an email address so I can get in touch with you about how to get that gift into your possession.

Happy Giving!"


  1. I have been trying to figure out what to give. If I give something that I love (baking) then that would be selfish - I mean, what if the person receiving the gift doesn't like to bake? What a tough decision. I have been following the "what to give" blogs and have come up empty handed.

    So if you are asking for someone to "pay if forward" to - I'm here :) however, I am still looking for the perfect gift to pass on...of course, whether I receive or not I will still be passing something on.


  2. Can't lay claim to all that wording, it's the wording of Pay It Forward.
    And a big part of the fun will be following for some time to see where it will go! Delighted to have you in the game!

  3. Dear Lewis...Thank you for agreeing to play Pay It Forward, too. You have almost a whole year to decide what to give. What I need from you is an e-mail address so that I can contact you for how to get your gift to YOU. I look forward to doing so :)

  4. Elle - here it is:

    lewis76 [at] gmail [dot] com

    Thank you so much for choosing me! :)
