Monday, May 26, 2008

Something Rich But Not Too Sweet

My dearest Natasha gave me the Dorie Greenspan book, Baking: from my kitchen to yours for my birthday. It has taken me a while, but today I was able to bake her a recipe from it. In a few days the results will be hand delivered.

She said she would be happy with any recipe in the book, and who wouldn't? Every one I've tried has come out perfectly and there are intrepid bakers making one of her recipes each Tuesday and it sounds like those recipes always work, too. Natasha did say that, if possible, it would be lovely to have something rich, but not too sweet. I think that the goodies I made today fit that description perfectly. Lots of butter, only a little sugar.

In order not to spoil the surprise, the cookie (for it is a cookie!) will not be posted today, nor the recipe. Check back in a few days to see what her treat is...I know this is a tease, but it'll be worth it, I promise.

Oh, the photo is from my garden. These flowers re-seeded from last year, which is a good thing. There has been so little time for gardening this year that the only other things to see are the weeds.


  1. The book is gold worth. I love every recipe I have tried. It is the perfect gift for any Daring Baker! Lovely flowers.

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Those flowers are so pretty - you're lucky you've got some!

  3. Nothing better than a plant that keeps coming back in a garden!! Looking forward to the cookie!

  4. Elle, you know I'm crazy for cookies, can't wait to see what you've baked! And you are right about that book, everything in it is amazing.

  5. Are those batchelor buttons? I didn't know they

  6. Meeta, it IS a fantastic book! Lots of recipes bookmarked for later baking.

    JJ, thanks! Hardy flowers & pretty, too

    Tanna, Soon I'll post the recipe and pics

    Patricia, soon, soon. You won't be disappointed.

    Giz, Yeah, batchelor buttons from scattered seed. I let last years' plants go to seed at the end of the season, then pulled up the plants and sprinkled the seeds when I had recently weeded, so the soil was fresh. The rains and some watering did the rest.

  7. Belated Happy Birthday.
    Going to join TWD soon?
