Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Tulips and daffodils,

green, green grass, sunshine (we got lucky), colored eggs; all are part and parcel of Easter at our house.

Without kids at home, we skip the Easter basket and candy, although I do have a brightly colored Easter basket on the table filled with colored egg shells from a few years ago. The ends were pierced and the egg blown out of them, then they were rinsed out and decorated. I keep them in an egg carton with the season decorations. They may last forever!

Today was the first morning that it was warm enough to eat breakfast outside (and we ate a few hours later than usual, too, which helps). We had a festive breakfast that included Sweetie's famous fruit bowls

plus the Bread Egg Nests with colored eggs that I tried this year.

Read all about the nests at the Bread Baker's Dog. They are yummy and you get a sweet roll and a soft boiled egg in one pretty packet.

Hope that your Easter, Passover, or other rite of Spring is delightful!


  1. Happy Easter to you too :) I hope you and your family had a great time! The eggs amidst bread look really adorable :)

  2. UNBELIEVABLE. The egg ...bakes. Kind of. Whoa. I would think an explosion would be imminent, but no. Huh.

    That I want to try someday just to see how it works!

  3. N, Quiet but nice day...and lots of weeding done in the garden :)

    Tanita, Greeks have been making bread with red dyed eggs nestled in the folds for a long time for Easter. Not sure why the eggs don't explode. I was more worried that they would be hard cooked, especially after a boiling water bath to color them, but they were pretty perfect soft boiled instead. Pretty cool!

  4. I love the nests! I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  5. Those bread egg nests are awesome, what a great idea. Happy belated Easter!

  6. Love hoe colourful eggs - so cheerful. Hope you had a lovely Easter

  7. Happy Easter Elle! hey, that spells HEE!! LOL! Love the eggs, the nests, just love it all!!
