Sunday, March 07, 2010

A Very Merry Un-Group To Us

While it is fun to belong to groups like the Daring Bakers or Daily Tiffin or Bread Baking Babes (and Buddies) or The Cake Slice, to name a few, sometimes it is nice to think about being part of an un-group.
What's that? you say.

Well, it has no rules to speak of, no chosen recipe, not deadlines for posting and, most importantly, it does require that you stretch yourself culinarily and challenge yourself. If you do, you get a high five (the badge) and the approbation of the other un-groupies.

If you challenge yourself ten times this year you'll get the satisfaction of doing so and maybe conquering some cooking and/or baking fears, add to your skills in the kitchen, and be part of the round up at the end.

Sound like fun? Want to push yourself a bit? Go on over to Cookie Baker Lynn's and get the skinny on this endeavor...and pick up the badge you'll award yourself while you are at it. She came up with this great idea! As you can see, this is a very low maintenance un-group...saving lots of energy for the main thing...the challenge you give yourself.

Have not figured out my first challenge to myself yet, but look for the badge in the next week or so on one of my posts. That's how you'll know I Did It!


  1. I thought this was a brilliant idea too!! Maybe I should try to poach an egg and give myself a hi Five!! Yeah, I still cant get a poached egg done properly....

  2. A very happy un-birthday cake for an un-group?

    Maybe this is just fueled by the fact that I just watched the new Alice in Wonderland...

    xo, Milly M.M.

  3. Dharm, Poaching an egg is absolutley a 'high five' skill...and then follow it up with Hollandaise sauce and Eggs Benedict and no one will doubt your culinary excellence. :)

    Molly, I'd love an un-birthday cake! You lucky thing to have already seen Alice in Wonderland...was Johnny Depp awesome? Did you see it in IMAX?

  4. This is the best idea I've seen in a great while.


  5. I really like that idea.
    And since there are no deadlines, there won't be any "Oh no. I'm late. The Queen will be mad."

  6. I still can't poach an egg, so if you take pictures, I'd definitely be interested. ;)

    I came to your blog for your sweet potato marmalade fan-tans, and I saw your "Un-group" post. Love it.

    The ironic part here is that I missed your post back in January, and I surfed here completely unawares!... I'm delighted that the recipe led me to another member of the DK.

    Thank you so much for completing the marinade challenge for the DC! And please accept my very belated Bravo ;)

  7. Thanks for posting this! Poached egg? Absolutely! And if it ends up as Eggs Benedict, Bravo!

  8. To those who cannot poach eggs, I have one word of advice: Vinegar.
    Just add about a tablespoon or so (a bit more if you like the taste of vinegar or if you have a large pot of water). The chemicals that make up vinegar help to bind the proteins in the eggwhites, keeping them together.

    Elle, I didn't see it in IMAX, I'm not sure if they have those in Greece. Depp was amazing as usual.
