Thursday, April 02, 2015


Chicken soup...the time worn remedy for a cold. 

Well, I'm now to day six of a bad cold or the flu. Couldn't be the flu since I got my flu shot...or maybe this is a strain they left out. Hmmm. The doctors office said I should feel better in another couple of days, but good chicken soup would be insurance, right?, so it seemed like a good idea to have some. The packaged soup I've been having  just doesn't have the mojo that homemade chicken broth does, so I asked my sweet neighbor who raises chickens if she had any broth in the freezer...and she did. Wonderful, rich, organic broth that is as local as you can get.

Sweetie thawed out the broth for me and heated it up, too. I really don't have much energy, so I decided to go with a few items from the fridge and freezer, plus herbs.

I ladled some of her broth, heated until it almost boiled, on top of some frozen peas and frozen corn, then put in about 1/4 cup left over mashed Yukon potatoes, another ladle of broth, a few chunks of grilled chicken from last night (thanks Sweetie!), some dried thyme and a pinch of poultry seasoning and it looked just right. I added some more of that amazing chicken broth and heated the bowl up a bit in the microwave, then dug in. It might not cure me, but it sure made me feel loved.

You don't have to be sick to enjoy a simple, delicious soup like this (although it really helps to have a neighbor who is as good a cook and as nice as mine).

Achoooo. Excuse me...more tissues needed.


  1. Whatever it is, it's going around and of COURSE I have to sing this weekend.

    I'd like a bed and a place to sneeze and sniffle in peace...

    Feel better!

  2. Anonymous3:22 AM

    You feel better, too, Tanita! So sorry that you have this nasty thing and have to sing, too. Drink lots of seems to help, and chicken soup, too, of course.
