Monday, April 13, 2015

Using Sweetie's Sandwich Press

Sweetie loves panini type sandwiches and recently bought a sandwich press that is similar. I think true panini presses put grill marks on the sandwich and this one has flat plates, so you get a good golden brown crust but no grill marks. It is electric and very light and we even found a place to store it right below the microwave oven.

Today I decided to see if I could concoct a sandwich for lunch that would use up some grilled chicken breast. I put a very light coating of butter on two sides of the bread, then stacked them butter sides together. I built the sandwich on the top, unbuttered side. First I spread on a thin coat of pesto, then crumbled on some feta cheese. This was topped by some roasted red pepper and then the chicken breast. It was thick, so I sliced it through the middle and put each piece on half the sandwich. Ready for the grill.

It was the work of only a few minutes to use the sandwich press to not only grill the bread (buttered sides), but to flatten the sandwich, too. I love my grilled sandwiches flattened.

The result was delicious! Melted feta, warm pesto and pepper and chicken, crunchy toasted bread on the outside. Easy and fun.

For those who are following things, Sweetie is now over his cold/flu and out mowing the grass around the house. I'm almost over it (just a slight cough left) and I got in some weeding today. Eye glasses are ordered in should be here in a couple of weeks. This week I'll be posting a wonderful bread (and I'm the Kitchen of the Month, so I got to choose the recipe) on the 16th and a delicious cake on the 20th, so be sure to check back on those days.


  1. I got into eating panini in Scotland - for some reason, EVERYONE has sandwich presses everywhere, but they're the best way to get warm on a chilly day when you have limited time for a meal.

    Meanwhile, the cold/flu/creeping crud of doom is still on here - it is taking forever to go away, and mine is morphing into a sinus infection... but I shall prevail. It's almost time to get serious about the tomatoes; I don't have time to fiddle with it anymore!

  2. So sorry you have the crud still Tanita. Hope you avoid the sinus infection part. Just getting over flu myself after 2+ weeks. Planting time arriving is a kick in the butt, isn't it? The squash seedlings in the sunspace have been flowering for a week...must get them planted!
    The panini are indeed warm, quick and great on a chilly day.

  3. I am totally wild for my panini press.
    I LOVE your sandwich!
    Two things you may want to use alternates to the butter ~ butter is always the best ... unless there is bacon ~ for simple, I many times use spray olive oil AND/OR half melted butter & olive oil. The browning is perfect and with good stuff in the middle no loss of flavor.
    I have found my press is fabulous for doing bacon on ~ cooks both sides at once and prevents splater.

  4. Oh and by the way, your bread this months is GREAT.
