Thursday, October 01, 2015

Home Again

The fall color had not happened yet, but there was rain, lots of rain, and visiting with some of the Falls Church based family, a birthday party with chocolate cake

 and a trip to the mountains with wonderful salmon and garlic chicken

 and conversation amid beautiful art.

The highlight of the trip was probably the birthday party, round number style and a little early, for my youngest brother and the delivery of his decade-long-in-the-making stained glass piece.

It would be difficult to have had a more perfect visit to the beautiful state of Virginia and I miss all those that we visited with already. Thanks to each of you for making it memorable.


  1. Wow, it turned out beautifully!

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Diane loved the glass too.


    P.S. The next one (the long one) should be done shortly after the get-together.
