A bus ride at sunrise through San Francisco to catch a plane to Boston.
One day in Boston.
Two days in Ireland,
then yesterday with a lot of time on airplanes and in the car brought us to the magical tiny hill town in the Luberon in France where our dear friend Naomi lives with her man Pete.
Sweetie and I have never been to la belle France, but are quite taken with the beauty. This morning at breakfast the host of our BandB, Francis, we stumbled along with my broken French and his halting English but we had a satisfying exchange all in all. Some words and phrases returned like fish floating up in a pool...suddenly there.
The reason this post is headed Raspberries is that we had amazing dark red freshly picked raspberries in Ireland with pre-dinner drinks and then Naomi served darling tarts for dessert last night that had bright red and equally tasty raspberries on top. Naturally I didn't take photos of either, but their intense red hues stay in my memory.
When I return home I'll do many posts, with photos, of our journey, but today just wanted to say that all is well and we are having such a good time traveling with our daughter.
Haven't figured out how to add photos yet from this phone, so plain words today! (Some photos added when I got home.)
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