Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween - The End of October

October is probably my favorite month of the year, although not as much this year...darn flu! Once we get into November, it becomes what my darling daughter calls the 'Blur Season' until about New Years. The pace picks up for sure.

I still haven't posted about my trip the way I want to. Over the years (and sometime in October I began another blogging heading into year eleven). Hard to imagine all those posts and recipes, but it has been, and continues to be, fun. My memory is fairly typical of someone in early senior years... mostly good but not always. I find that the posts help me remember the fun times and people and places of I've experienced. So I'll keep doing food posts but will intersperse them with travel posts, starting in Boston, moving on to Ireland, then to Provence, to the Avignon region and then to Paris. It will probably take me all of November, so if you hate travel posts, you may want to just mostly ignore Feeding My Enthusiasms in November, although there will be some non-travel gems.

Even the travel post will have food elements of course. I was able to cook in Provence and in Paris and we had some lovely meals out, plus saw markets and shops with lots of lovely foods. On our last day in Paris we went to a harvest street fair which had lots of food and wine.

There will undoubtedly be a few posts of pre-Thanksgiving baking and cooking and also the beginning of Christmas baking and cooking. I'll be posting with the Bread Baking Babes on the 16th and with the Cake Slice Bakers on the 20th. The odd bread or cake or cookie recipe will show up, too.

So happy Halloween! Enjoy the jack o'lanterns and candy and costumes and gear up for the blur season.


  1. I like that - The Season of Blur.
    Right now, if we could just blur the end of the election season and fast forward into some time next year - maybe March? I'd be happy.

  2. Yes! March would be perfect. Spring would be starting up and seeds beginning their journey to food and flowers. Can't wait. It's not that I don't love Thanksgiving and Christmas and winter rains and all the baking that goes with it, it's just that this year is going to be packed starting about the middle of December, right on through the end of February. Good stuff going on, but I will be happy to be at the end of it (mostly) in March.
