Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dinner at Naomi's

First we made sure to buy a baguette or two in the morning. In the afternoon we went by the market that sells meats and poultry and bought some country style pate that they make themselves and some lovely whole chicken legs and some sausage. At the green grocer's we bought green beans. Naomi already had rice, garlic, tomato, onions and lots of cheese and olives and wine for the pre-dinner appetizers.

I made braised chicken with onions, garlic, tomato, rice, broth and herbs like thyme. I used the delicious local olive oil liberally, too. Just before we ate I added the green beans on top to steam a little. It was delicious and I loved working in Pete and Naomi's wonderful kitchen.

Before dinner we enjoyed the grapes, persimmon slices, brown bread fingers, baguette slices, olives, sausage slices, crackers, pate, and lots of cheeses, including a local goat cheese ballotin wrapped in chestnut leaves. (See photo at top of post.) The wine and conversation flowed and we were so glad to be gathered at Naomi and Pete's table. Bon appetit!

Chicken and Rice with Beans
Serves 4-6

2 - 4 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 onion, peeled and chopped
2-4 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely minced
3 whole chicken legs, skin on, cut into legs and thighs
1 cup rice
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
2 cups chicken broth
enough fresh green beans for 6 (about 3 cups)

In large frying pan heat 1-2 tablespoons of the olive oil over medium-high heat. Cook the onions for 2-3 minutes, stirring often, until limp. Add the garlic and, stirring continuously, cook for another 2 minutes. Garlic should not be dark brown. Remove the onion mixture to a bowl and set aside.
Wipe out the frying pan and heat 1-2 tablespoons of the olive oil over medium-high heat. Brown the chicken pieces. Return the onion mixture to the pan, pour the rice evenly around the pan, sprinkle the salt, pepper and dried thyme evenly over the rice and add the chicken broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook 30 minutes. Check to see if chicken is cooked by piercing with a knife. Juice will run clear. Place green beans evenly around pan, replace lid and steam for 2-3 minutes, until tender. Serve at once, with good bread to scoop up the juices.


  1. Your dinner sounds great. How nice to be able to wander to a local market to pick ingredients. That goats cheese looks delicious. Did it have a nutty taste from the chestnut?

  2. Hi Katie! It really was a delight to market that way and the ingredients were top notch. I wish I could have tasted the goat cheese but any kind of dairy, even goat, if for me like gluten is for you. Sweetie said that you could taste a difference from the chestnut leaves but it think it may have been more herbal than nutty. Apparently it was Great cheese! One of the specialties of the area, too. I thought I would have trouble only being able to watch and hear about things with dairy, but it really didn't bother me and I enjoyed watching the enjoyment of those who were eating things like that cheese. Besides, I had that fab pate'!
