Saturday, March 07, 2020

March - I'm In The Garden

Here it is March 7th and this is my first post of the month! It's not that we haven't been eating, it's just that it's been really simple food, no recipes needed, plus I've been spending a lot of time in the garden.

We didn't get a drop of rain all of February, which is some kind of record. So the garden needed daily watering...we haven't checked out the drip irrigation system since fall. Hope to do it soon.

The soil stayed moist for quite a while, which meant weeding. I also have planted s few things, including some wild flower seeds that are beginning to sprout where the weeds were in one section of the front garden. I can imaging all the cheerful mixed colors when they bloom.

I've also started the veggie seeds to sprouting and some have been planted in potting soil flats. The beans and cukes are looking good and the sunflower seedlings will need to get planted out soon since they are too tall for the flat now. We had fairly warm weather the second half of February, so the almond and plum trees have already flowered and are leafing out. The quince still look lovely and I have an azalea in a pot which I received for my birthday last year and it's larger now and blooming like a champ. So pretty with ruffled pink and white flowers.

I've also been working in my studio to create more tea cup and saucer topped balusters for putting in the garden. They are quite decorative and you can fill the cup with bird seed or water. I paint the baluster to go with the cup and saucer design and colors and then Sweetie glues the cup and saucer onto the baluster. A photo I took last year is at the top of the post showing one of them I painted last winter. The one just above is of a gift for a friend for her birthday. She fills her cup with bird seed and she says the birds just love it.

Hope to have some recipes soon.


  1. Ooh, your garden art is gorgeous! That's the goal for me this year... eventually. I was sick almost the entirety of February, so am slowly making a comeback... I have seeds starting, though! It's all baby steps...

  2. Tanita, sorry that you have been sick, but glad that you are better. Seed starting is one of the best parts of spring! Baby steps get you there....slowly but you get there.
