Thursday, May 07, 2020
Say It With Flowers
It's going to be Mother's Day soon, one of the most popular days to give and receive flowers. I'm fortunate that this year I already have lots and lots of flowers.
Most of the roses were gifts, so those are especially enjoyed. For my birthday my California sister gave me a Chihuly rose, named after the glass artist par excellance from near Seattle. It blooms with a soft yellow interior, with petals edged with coral. As it matures, the yellow lightens to cream and the edges become closer to fluorescent pink. It's the rose in the photo at the top of the post.
My dear niece from Sacramento gave me a Christmas present of a beautiful floribunda rose which is white with rosy stripes and very joyful. It's like having a whole bouquet at once.
Last year for my round number birthday my older brother NoHandle gave me a rose called Just Joey which is a lovely apricot color and very elegant in shape. When fully open it reminds me of a fancy party dress in shades of apricot from pale to intense. Since he is gone now, it will always be a link to my brother, as long as it lives.
My Sacramento area sister gave me, at the same party, a Mister Lincoln rose, which was my Mom's favorite. It's a deep red and also an elegant tea rose. Right now that one just bloomed and it's gorgeous! Below is how it looked in the bud stage in early morning light.
Twenty years ago the school district where I was a board member gave me a shrub rose that has delightful red and white striped flowers with a strong rose scent, called Scentimental. The photo is above. It's a floribunda, too and it's still doing well all these years later and is in full bloom now. I have other roses, but these have special meaning because they were gifts. Have you received rose plants as gifts? Want to share which roses they are?
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