Friday, June 19, 2020

The French Toast...

My last post was of the Bee Keeper's Loaf. I knew that it would make stellar French Toast and it did! Served it with freshly picked olallieberries and some raspberries from the market, plus a syrup made from more of the freshly picked (literally 1/2 hour before, down the driveway near the road...the heat had ripened many, many olallieberries!) berries. It was very, very good French Toast!


  1. Wow! That looks wonderful, Elle! Especially with the ultra fresh berries. (I've never heard of olallieberries - are they as similar in flavour as they are visually to blackberries?)

  2. Thanks Kelly! Elizabeth, olallieberries are a cross between a blackberry and another berry (maybe a marionberry??) and their flavor is very similar to blackberry, but a bit milder and the berries are larger and have lots of juice when ripe. These vines were planted before we came here to live, so I don't know much more about them, but since they ripen 2-3 weeks before blackberries or blueberries around here, I rejoice each June when they ripen.

    1. How wonderful for you to have berries ripening in June! In your very own garden.

      I had to look up "marionberry" to learn that it is a cross between the Chehalem and Olallie berries. Which lead me to learn that the Chehalem berry is a cross between the Himalayan blackberry and the Santiam berry, which lead me to learn that the Santiam berry is a cross between the California blackberry and the loganberry. I also learned that the Olallieberry is a cross between the Loganberry and Youngberry, which is hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry of the rose family. (I also learned that a hybrid is a cross between two species....)

      I then felt compelled to look up loganberry and learned that it is thought to have been from a cross between the European Red Antwerp raspberry and the American Aughinburgh blackberry accidentally created in the 1880s in California.

      Cool site here:

      Isn't the internet great?!
