Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Curious Carrot

Have been harvesting in the garden...squash for a while, beans almost finished, cucumbers almost finished and tomatoes really getting going now. A week or so ago I harvested my first carrot. Then, a few days later there were fairly tiny carrots, then I pull up a monster carrot which looked like about six carrots growing together with one top! From the soil surface it looked like one decent carrot, but once pulled you could see all the 'legs' of the other branches. Made it interesting to clean and prepare! I made roasted carrots which I tossed in a mixture of honey, sherry vinegar, dried thyme, pepper and garlic salt before roasting. They added a nice touch to the green salad we had for dinner last night. Didn't actually measure anything, so no real recipe.

Hope all is well with you, dear reader. The smoke has mostly cleared and the fire north of us is partly contained and improved weather probably means that the heroic firefighters will get it under control within a few days. Thank you for you good thoughts and prayers...they worked so far!

By the way, the tiled table under the carrots and tomatoes is one that I made with the help of a friend who showed me how to do mosaic tiling with bits of old plates and tea cups and other porcelain. It sits outside on our porch. I found the old tile for the center, the plates and mugs and things at the Recycletown at the county dump and only paid pennies. It was a fun process but I haven't made anything else since...perhaps I'll get back to it now that I have endless time...or so it sometimes seems.


  1. That table is gorgeous. Now that we have air again, and doing something outside seems like a possibility, I'd love to learn to do something like that. Of course, I really don't have time yet... But this provision will have to be finished someday!

  2. Will have to do a joint project like that table one day when we can get together again. I still have, somewhere in the wood shed, the materials and tools to do another one. You can use the same technique to cover a flower pot with found mosaics for an fun garden accent. Maybe next spring? We can hope!
