Thursday, October 22, 2020

Another Blog Birthday

On October 22, 2006 I posted my first blog post on this blog (or any other blog for that matter). At the time I didn't really think too much about how long I would continue blogging, nor what it would mean to me over time. It has been a joy, a learning experience, a window onto the world, a virtual recipe file box, a way to meet a lot of really nice people, a way to express myself and stretch myself and grow as a person. Not bad! 

I have written almost 1,500 posts and have gotten over 6,500 comments over the years. Each month between 5,000 and 8,000 views of posts happen. My main focus is still food, especially recipes, and seasonal cooking and baking. The visual arts still are a vital part of the blog. I hope to continue Inktober postings soon...had a nice visit from our daughter and took a break from ink during that time.

Here is what I wrote in that first post:

After about a month of visiting a bunch of great food blogs, I decided to join the fun.

Food is one of my earliest enthusiasms. Baking was how I got started and it remains one of my favorite ways of being creative. Then there are all of the beautiful fruits and nuts just outside my back door in season...pretty California...apples in the fall, but we've gone through blackberries, plums, peaches, pears, walnuts, quince, persimmon in their turn over the years. I grow tomatoes, green beans and lots of summer squash, plus herbs.

Other enthusiasms are painting & drawing, photography, gardening (flowers, too) and writing a bit. Seems like most of these can be enjoyed while blogging or will add to the blog.

I love trying new things and have been cooking long enough that I take the results of new recipes, untasted, to parties and often make small changes to recipes the first time I try them.Foolish? Intrepid? Confident? Who knows?

Looking forward to tasting new things, making new friends and having a good time.


I think that those enthusiasms have been explored and I have certainly tasted new things, made new friends and had a really, really good time. Here's to more blogging fun going forward!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Blogversary.
    At some point, it's gotten scary to look back and see how long I've been blogging... but it's truly been about since 2005, since I got out of grad school. The world has changed so much, and yet this remains, and I'm glad.
