Friday, July 08, 2022

The Current Project

Sweetie likes to be busy. He has an incredible array of building skills...and of tools, both hand and power. We weren't sure what would be the next project to build, but finally decided on a shed for the refuse containers. First we were going to build a shed where they currently live, but Sweetie examined our old barn and determined that putting the shed on the south facing side would not only work well for the refuse containers, but would help hold up the barn if we experience an earthquake. The barn is probably over 100 years old. 

When we first moved in Sweetie rebuilt the woodshed on the west side (on the left in the photo above). Recently he built a shed on the east side for storage of electrical stuff, so this one on the south side means that the barn will have good support on three sides! Sweetie builds last.

In many ways these structures are Sweetie's art. He builds them with only a certain amount of planning and then takes a linear approach which allows for variations as needed as we move along in the project. I say 'we' because the last few days I have been the helper...holding the ladder, finding tools, holding the drill and screws while Sweetie readies the beam for fastening, going into the barn to retrieve the level...that sort of thing.  Raine did some of the hard stuff...removing the metal siding, lots of the digging and some rock moving.

I also helped dig out the trench for the drainage rocks and added sand and helped put down the weed block.

The base took quite a bit of time and is all covered up, but we know that it won't shift and will drain. Now we are making the frame (top photo). I think after that will come the roof and then the doors, but we'll see. There is talk of adding some shelving at the ends and an internal light...probably battery powered but maybe wired in. Since we are recycling some metal for the roof, it should fit right in and look like it belongs. And you won't see these containers:

I'll try to remember to post the finished shed when we get done.

Be sure to visit here on July 16th to see this month's Bread Baking Babes's a winner. 


  1. Ah, summer is a time of projects proliferating. We've decided to go ahead and plan to buy a place again in probably 2024, so Some Of Us are planning like mad all of the projects we're going to do, and all of the cabinets, etc., we're going to build... and all the tools we now have an excuse to buy. ☺

  2. So all these projects are to make the current house easier to sell?? or are they for an new home? Either way, you can never have too many tools. That might sound like just an excuse to buy more cool tools, but in practice having the right tool to hand when you are right in the middle of things can make all the difference between low stress and high frustration, and you know how bad stress is for us :)
