Saturday, June 15, 2024

Fresh Peas

A friend who has a large veggie garden every year gave me a tour of it today and when we were done she and her husband gave us a bag of freshly picked green peas. She had been out of town for a week and returned a couple of days ago to a garden just brimming with peas ready to pick.

These were beautiful peas, tightly packed into their pods, and oh so sweet. I shelled about two cups worth to steam for our dinner and will probably do the same for tomorrow's dinner because peas, like fresh corn, tend to quickly go from sweet to starchy. Don't want to waste them!

Do you, dear reader, have a source for really fresh produce, perhaps your own garden? 

No recipe, really, for these peas. Once shelled I steamed them just long enough to heat them through, then applied about a teaspoon butter...that's it.  The photo below is of the shelled, uncooked peas.

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