Thursday, July 11, 2024

First Zucchini of the Season

When you grow a veggie garden from seed or small starts, it's always exciting to see that your plants have started to produce vegetables that you can eat. Sweetie isn't that taken with veggies in general, but he always loves grilled zucchini. We finally were able to harvest a couple of nice ones and grill them to go with dinner. Because of the heat, we ate BBQ ribs from our local market, green beans from a neighbor, and those delicious zucchini! It's summer and this is the best part of it, in my opinion.

No recipe for this, really, because all we do is slice the zucchini lengthwise in two or three pieces (depending on how big they are), spray on some olive oil, sprinkle on pepper and a bit of garlic salt and grill them on both sides. I like mine al dente but they can be grilled longer if you prefer them that way.

1 comment:

  1. Grilled zucchini are the best! Especially for summer dining outdoors.

    Ha! Your fellow and mine must be long-lost brothers. Mine isn't wild about vegetables either. But a couple of weeks ago, when I insisted that we grill some yellow zucchini, he tried a slice, decreed that we really should have grilled more, and that we should always have grilled zucchini.
