Friday, December 30, 2016


One of the signature dishes that Katherine is always asked to bring to parties is what started out being called Christmas Crack. She made it one year for our Boxing Day Party and then figured out variations for other themes, like Super Bowl, New Year's, and the Oscars. This year she showed me how to make it. It's pretty quick and easy, although making sure you have all the elements may take a bit of doing. I found everything I needed at Target, plus I already had red and green sprinkles and some silver decorating edible dust.

First you gather your ingredients: Boom Chicka Pop Sweet and Salty Kettle Corn popcorn, mini pretzels, Candiquik vanilla melt and make, M&Ms (here is where you can go with a theme...for Christmas red and green works really well),

sprinkles, sea salt. I added some silver culinary dust for extra sparkle, plus we had some sparkle M&Ms and tiny red and green Christmas tree sprinkles.

Next lay out two long sheets of plastic wrap, overlapping slightly, on a clean surface. This is where the mixture will cool.

Break the mini pretzels into smaller pieces and measure out two cups of them.

Place the popcorn and pretzel pieces in a large bowl. Add about half the M&Ms. Set aside.

Break up the Candiquik into chunks and put them in a microwave safe bowl to melt. We goofed and used a bowl that heated up too well in the microwave, so the candiquik started to brown! Should have used a Pyrex bowl. Live and learn. I'm sure to make this again.

Melt candiquik in the microwave, a minute at a time, stirring after each minute, until the candy coating is smooth and melted.

Pour about half over the popcorn and pretzels and M&Ms, stir to coat those with the melted candy. Add another quarter of the M&Ms and stir again.

Keep stirring to coat everything in the bowl well.

Pour the mixture out onto the prepared plastic and nudge with a spatula into a pretty even layer.

Sprinkle on the rest of the M&Ms and drizzle on the rest of the candy coating. Sprinkle with colored sprinkles, sea salt and the silver dust, if using. Use the toppings that make you happy, but don't forget the salt. The sweet/salty results are part of the addictiveness.

Let the mixture cool and become firm. Pile into a bowl and be prepared to become instantly addicted!
The crunch of the popcorn and pretzels goes so well with the creamy coating, the sweet M&Ms and sprinkles and crunchy sea salt. Sweet, salty, crunchy, YUM.

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