Saturday, December 31, 2016
Happy New Year!
The best part of 2016 for me was going to Ireland and France. I bought a new ornament for the Christmas tree to commemorate that...a bag of baguettes.
Somehow 2016 seemed like a long year...probably because of the Presidential elections here in the U.S. Not thrilled with the outcome, but perhaps there will be positive foolishness and not just negative foolishness. Already hearing some who were thrilled the day after the election who have changed their minds. That's a pretty quick turn around considering that we heard practically nothing 24/7 but Trump this and Trump that. Anyone who was paying attention pretty much knew that we were going to get what we are starting to get. The inauguration is still almost 3 weeks away!
On to more positive things. Not sure if it is Pollyanna or ostrich behavior.
Santa gave me a new fitbit for Christmas since my old one conked out on me. The old one was sweet and simple. This one is so complicated that I haven't been able to complete setup so far. I'll try again tomorrow morning. I have to decide on using my iPhone as the dashboard or a Windows 10 computer. I somehow thought that I could use both. I used the iPad and my computer with the old, simple one. Perhaps Santa should have just given me another simple one. I'm a simple kinda girl. Oh, that's right....positive, positive, positive. Well, when it gets going I'm going to have access to more information to encourage me to have healthier habits. There, positive enough?
It truly is a beautiful day/evening and I truly wish each and every one of you a most Happy New Year!
Check in with the MI branch of the family. I think they all have this kind of Fitbit also. Mine is still the old simple one. Happy New Year.