Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hog Heaven

Way back in the early days of our dating, somehow Sweetie and I adopted cute piggies as personal symbols for our love for each other...might have had something to do with the fact that we both loved to eat.

Recently in art class we were given the opportunity to decorate a heart shaped box for Valentine's day. I ended up with a box graced by two cute pink pigs along with a band of color and some dots in shades of green, pink and blue to go witht he illlustration of the pigs. Then I cut out the box and put it together, ready for today, Valentine's Day.

I wanted to have a little treat for him in the box and very soon decided that bacon and chocolate truffles would be just the thing.

Now I'd never made any truffles with bacon and wasn't sure if it would work, but I had to try.

The bacon flavor with the strained heavy cream is very subtle. Next time I think I'll not strain it, just make sure that the bacon is finely chopped.

Sweetie was duly impressed and we shared a Bacon Bittersweet Truffle with our coffee this morning. I also had oatmeal, so it wasn't too decadent. Just enough :)

Bacon Bittersweet Truffles

2 strips bacon, cooked crisp, cooled, crumbled
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoons maple syrup
12 oz bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate chips

Heat the bacon and heavy cream over low heat until just simmering. Turn off heat, stir to mix well, and let steep for ½ hour. Strain the cream mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Use the bacon in the strainer for another use or discard.

In a microwave safe bowl, mix the flavored heavy cream, maple syrup, and chocolate.

Microwave on half power for 1 minute. Stir the mixture Return to the microwave.
Repeat the microwaving the same way, stirring each time after 1 minute at half power, until mixture is smooth and all the chocolate has melted.

Chill the mixture, covered with plastic wrap, at least one hour or over night.

Scoop 1 “ rounds of the mixture a onto waxed paper lined cookie sheet. Refrigerate 1 hour.

Roll the balls in unsweetened cocoa (as I did) OR
dip in 1 cup chopped bittersweet chocolate that has been microwaved in a bowl, 1 minute at a time at half power, until melted, but add 1 tablespoon of shortening to the chocolate before starting the microwave process. If dipping the truffles, remove from the melted chocolate with a fork, transfer to the wax paper lined cookie sheet, and let cool completely by chilling for at least ½ hour.

Note: The bacon flavor is subtle, mostly in the aftertaste. If you want a stronger bacon flavor, don’t strain the mixture. Your truffles centers will be chewier that way, but have more bacon flavor.


  1. That is a unique combination! I do not think I have ever tried the combination before. They certainly do look great!

  2. that sounds romantic!!! love the idea of bacon and bittersweet truffles :-)

    btw, my sis and her boyfriend used hogs too as their cutie symbol of love..i thought they were unique now that makes her and you :-)

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Elle, So sweet, your love pig! I would have to try the bacon truffles. My head says 'No!'
    Dorie Greenspan's blog had a post about bacon flavored chocolate too.
    You are in hip chocolate fashion, it seems!
    Lovely to see your comment on my blog this morning. I am coming back to read more of yours later after work today. Cheers, Melinda

  4. Oh, wow. I think somebody once said "everything is better with bacon," but I didn't think they were serious...!? Chocolate and bacon. Hm.

    Well, people eat sausages and maple syrup. And chicken and apple sausages, so... why not?

    You're such a creative chef!

  5. Bacon. with chocolate. in a truffle.
    You are fantastic!
    Love the valentine box.

  6. Elle, that's new to me! I have never seen bacon truffles... You've got me curious, my friend.

  7. Anonymous5:32 AM

    That is such an original! I'm impressed. Love it!

  8. Anonymous6:05 AM

    great idea. yummers!

  9. I love it!! What a perfect Valentine's gift!

  10. Bacon in truffles? I never would have thought. Well, I say, bring em' on! Sweet and salty is always good, right? I think it would be easy to make a pig of yourself with these truffles.

  11. Can I be your valentine? Those sound awesome!

  12. Awwwww, how sweet :)

  13. Meeta, Never seen this combo before, but someone told me once about chocolate covered pork rinds.

    Dhanggit, Aawww, glad someone else has the piggies as symbol of love & glad you like the combo :)

    Melinda, Didn't see Dorie's post. The idea came in art class while discussing what I could put inside the little box. I'll have to check her blog out. You blog is a good one...I'll be back.

    Tadmack, Well, maybe not everything, but it goes with chocolate. There's maple syrup in there, too, because it goes with bacon :)

    Tanna, Glad you liked it :)

    Patricia, Not sure that it has been a truffle flavor before, but think about pigs finding truffles and it makes more sense.

    Maryann & Kimberlyblue, Thanks!


    Susan, Yes, the salt and sweet is part of the charm, and then there is the universal appeal of chocolate. Easy to pig out :)

    Brilynn, I thought of you immediately when the idea came to are the bacon guru. Sure, you can be my valentine.

    Cynthia, ...and salty.

  14. Heck yay! I'll eat bacon in anything. I would so try these.

  15. Strangely, we have a pig-based theme to our relationship as well. I will propose this to the other half and see what he thinks. :)

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    wow, i would never thibk of putting bacon in, sounds interesting, they look very yummy too! thanks for leaving a comment on my tuille biscuits!

  17. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Awesome - tried it as I was looking for something to make that had bacon for a bacon theme part! If you are a true bacon lover I would suggest doubling the bacon amount as the boys thought they needed more. Also if you dip them top with a little pinch of smoked salt - adds a nice touch. Enjoy!
