Thursday, February 05, 2009

WOW 300

Didn't even notice when I posted the last time that it was number three hundred! What a ride it has been, too. I've been told that blogging has made me a better writer. I know that my photography skills have improved. Lighting is still an issue, but should be conquered during the next 300 posts :) The best part has been learning new things, trying out new dished, ingredients, techniques and tools, plus 'meeting' other bloggers. They are what brings me back.
More soon....


  1. Wow 300 posts! Long may you continue :)

  2. Congrats! It is amazing how quickly time flies when you are blogging.

  3. Congratulations, look forward to more.

  4. Congratulations!
    I start counting when the new year changes but I should take a look to see how many it's been.
