Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Invitation and A Weekend Cat Blog Post

The Bread Baking Babes (and I still am confounded that I'm one of them) invite you to help us celebrate our 3rd anniversary.

In the words of awesome Babe Tanna of My Kitchen in Half Cups' ,
" We’d like you, everyone of you, to put your thinking caps on pull out all your bread books and recipes and no not pick our next bread ... we want you to pick our Anniversary Bread for February 2011. That’s right, come about November, we’re going to ask you to mail us the recipe that you love the most or the recipe that scares you the most

What's your favorite bread?
What bread haven't you ever been able to get to turn out the way you want?
What bread scares you the most?
What's the bread recipe you've baked the most?
What bread do you dream about baking?

Then in December, we'll ask you, our readers, to vote on one. We'll bake and post the bread for our anniversary in February. "

So think about what you would like to see a group of pretty experience bread bakers create and check back in a few months to see how to give us the details...I know you must have some excellent ideas!

This is also a day for memories and memorials. We carry Max with us all the time, but especially today...11 years. We love you, Max!

A lovely blogger who was also a great bread baker and is the Angel Babe, Sher, was a force behind Weekend Cat Blogging. In her honor I'm posting a photo of supercat Merlin, better know as Buggie for Love Bug, which is my daughter's name for him.

He is one happy cat!

To see more Weekend Cat Blogging entries, go over to Astrid's blog, Paulchen's Foodblog. The link is with the Bread Baking Babes at the right. Since Sher was also a great cook, you might want to make a dish she enjoyed. I blogged one, with a slight variation in fruit, here. They are awesome meatballs and the plums are right in season, too.
I think Sher would have liked them!

Hope you have a happy day and think for a few moments to remember someone special to you who is no longer with us and that the memories bring you happiness, even if bittersweet at times.

XO Elle


  1. It really was a shock when Sher passed away. She seemed so young, and alive ... it's hard to believe that she's gone.

  2. Matt, such a handsome young man and good person.
    Loss is so much part of this life, the memories at least give us some back.
