Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Favorite New/Old Recipe for 2018

Here we are in 2019 and I'm glad to be in January, but I realized that I never did a round-up of 2018. Instead I'm going to tell you my favorite post of 2018. When I first made this onion tart I used puff pastry as called for in the recipe, but I found, in March of 2018, that a regular pie crust works even better. The filling is the same because I've yet to find a savory tart filling I like better. This one has lots of onions (caramelized), white wine,  bacon 'Hello! Bacon!', honey and a nice yogurt based base so that you have creamy, sweet, savory, salty, flaky deliciousness. With pre-made pie crust it is a fairly easy recipe, too. If you haven't tried it, here is the link...you may want to see why it's my fave for 2018. https://feedingmyenthusiasms.blogspot.com/2018/03/a-different-take-on-onion-tart.html

This year I posted 82 recipes or links to recipes on this blog. Most were actual recipes, new ones at that. If you have checked out my index you'll see that I have been terrible at keeping it up to date. Part of the reason is that adding about 82 new links per year is a chore that takes more time than I have to devote to it. Sorry about that, but for about the last five years you can just click on the sidebar calendar of months and many posts have a descriptive title to help you know what is posted. Play around, wander around...and you might find a new favorite recipe yourself.

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