Sunday, May 10, 2015

May Is For Moms Today

May is one of those months that gets to celebrate a lot of great things...Graduations and (in my family) a birthday or two, Memorial Day and May Day and May 5th and of course Mother's Day.

I'm celebrating being a Mom, celebrating my awesome Mom who is rockin' heaven if there is any justice,

my daughter who began my motherhood journey with me,

and all the women who are moms, including those whose 'kids' belong in the animal kingdom. Come to think of it, some of the human kids sometimes seem to belong more to the animal kingdom.

Anyhoo, Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Marian10:56 AM

    What a lovely collage of Moms! May does seem to be one celebration after another...

  2. May is a busy, busy month, indeed kicking off the month of guests and graduation and summer celebrations... there's a lot going on here, too, but thank you for taking the time to share your beautiful photos and wishes for a good day.

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    It's a special day and should be celebrated everyday! Thank you for sharing.
