Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gone Again

Summer seems to be a time to be on the I'm gone again.

The great news is that I will be meeting two of my favorite food bloggers...Tanna of My Kitchen in Half Cups and Lynn of Cookie Baker Lynn. Thrilling!!



  1. Have fun Elle!! Oooooh I am so envious, can I go with you?
    Hug my Babes for me would you?

  2. Does this mean no St Honore story this month???!!! Have a great time!

  3. I love the header! :)

  4. I'm so bummed I missed you guys while I was in Idaho.

  5. Lynn, It was a delight meeting you! Nice to know that I'm not the only one who pauses before jumping in to a new technology :)

    Baking Soda, Your Babes are so much fun...we were thinking about you while together...wish you could have been there, too!

    Dharm, Just means I'll be late. Your Bond tale is the best yet!

    A and N, Thanks! Summer corn is sooo good.

    Peabody, You were missed! Hope Idaho was cooler than Seattle...what a kick that it might even be :)
